There are tons of tools promising to bring any Figma design into code, reducing the stress of both design and developers teams.
In this article we listed a few of the main ones.

builder.io - As the saying goes "If you can't beat them, join them". Builder.io takes a different approach to the problem by providing access to its own visual editor, whose result can then be imported in Figma.
They seem to be focused on headless commerce solutions and trying to replicate the Figma experience.
Their pricing is tied to the number of code generations, with their basic plan starting at $19user/mo.

Anima - Both a Figma, a VS Code and an Adobe XD plugin, Anima generates code leveraging AI.
The scope seems to provide AI-generated code that can be appealing for developers to use.
Their pricing is also tied to the number of code generations and starting at $19user/mo.

Webflow - With a different value proposition, Webflow promises to streamline the creation of websites from start to finish.
With a solid network of designers made Webflow developers it is a no-code platform to build simple websites.
Their paid plan starts from $14/mo (if billed annually) and it tied to the number of pages.

Framer - As the strongest Webflow competitor out there, Framer offers access to a Figma-like visual editor that claims to be very easy to use.
One of their products is a Figma to HTML code generator that converts Figma design to dynamic websites.
Their cheaper pricing tier is $5 a month per site per month (up to 1000 visitors).

DhiWise - With a focus on mobile (Flutter, iOS and Android, together with React) DhiWise generates code via its Figma plugin.
To polish the AI-generated code they offer access to WiseGPT, an AI code assistant, available onto popular code editors (VS Code and IntelliJ).
Their pricing starts at $149Per user/year, billed annually.

Polipo - A developer's tool (and a Figma plugin) that enables bringing UIs from Figma directly into a React, Vue or Angular app.
All without generating a single line of code.
An innovative approach where Figma becomes the single source of truth for the UI (no more copy pasting).
And every change to the UI is visible in real time in development mode.
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