People are so wrong about CSS
Here's why...
Context: Many developers rush to learn JavaScript and completely neglect CSS.
CSS is everywhere on the web (95.6% to be exact).
It's what makes websites look good and function well. For example:
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
This simple code sets the basic look for an entire website.
Now, you might be thinking: "CSS? That's just for making things look nice, right?"
Not exactly.
When developers dive deep, they get to understand that CSS is actually quite powerful. It's responsible for:
• User experience
• Performance
• Accessibility
• Responsive design
Let's look at responsive design. Remember the days of pinching and zooming on mobile? Ugh🤦🏾
CSS fixed that:
@media (max-width: 600px) {
.container {
flex-direction: column;
This code makes your site adjust for smaller screens.
But many developers still underestimate CSS. They think:
• "It's too basic to be important"
• "JavaScript can do everything"
• "I'll just use a framework and be done”
I like JavaScript and frameworks too. But CSS is the foundation of web design.
Here's something interesting: good CSS can make your site faster. Instead of using JavaScript for animations, you could do this:
.button:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
transition: transform 0.3s ease;
This creates a smooth animation without any JavaScript.
CSS isn't always easy. We've all had moments of frustration:
"Why won't this element align properly?”
But that's why it's worth learning well. Once you understand it, you can do amazing things:
• Create great layouts
• Make smooth animations
• Build sites that work on any device
And you can do all this without adding unnecessary code to your site.
"CSS is not a simple language. It's not a toy language... It's a powerful language for describing the rendering of a document." Rachel Andrew
Preach, Rachel!🙌🏾
So next time you're thinking about using a heavy framework or ignoring CSS for JavaScript, remember:
CSS is like a Swiss Army knife for web design. It might seem simple, but it's got everything you need if you know how to use it.
Try this little trick next time you're stuck:
* {
outline: 1px solid red;
This shows you the boundaries of all your elements.
CSS debugging for the win.
Good web development isn't just about making things work. It's about making things work well.
That's where CSS comes in.
So take some time to learn CSS properly (here is a collection of methods by DreamHost). It will make you a better developer.
Remember: in web dev, content is king👑, but CSS is the kingdom. It's time we treated it like royalty.
(Okay, that was pretty cheesy)
If you feel like not using CSS today but would like a Figma design to come up with all the CSS you need for implementing your web project, just use Polipo.
Polipo generates dynamic HTML and CSS directly on the UI of your application, up until production, straight from Figma.
It is pixel perfect.
You can start here.